The Company
Our production area counts on injectors with the capacity to inject parts of up to 1,500 grams with a closing force of 470 tons, among which vertical injectors, suitable for injection of products with inserts, metallic or not. All machines are equipped with peripherals such as automatic feeders, dryers and grinding and are monitored individually by a “Prodwin Tecnologias Ltda.” management system, which allows follow up production in real time. We are not restricted to the parts injection. In addition to the injection processes, we make recordings by Pad Printing and Hot Stamping, small assemblies and other complementary services.
We design molds for various purposes and for all types of thermoplastics. Our Tooling works in the construction and maintenance of these tools and they have modern equipment like CNC Machining Center “Dinamit”, Electroerosion of penetration and other supporting machines.